Cracking the Code of Hinge's Roses: 4 Times They Make a Real Difference

NNora October 3, 2023 9:17 AM

So you've swiped right and left, sent 'likes' and comments, but what about those roses? The Hinge dating app isn't just about the usual swipe and match. It introduces a unique feature called roses. While you may be hesitant to use them, knowing when to send a rose on Hinge can make a significant difference in your dating game. Let's crack their code.

What are Hinge's roses?

Roses are a special feature on the Hinge dating app. Unlike a 'like', which you can give out as much as you want, roses are much more limited. Free users receive one rose each week, while premium users get a bouquet of them. A rose shows someone that you're exceptionally interested in them. It's like a 'super like' on other dating apps.

When to use roses on Hinge

  1. When you find a profile that stands out: Reserve your roses for those profiles that truly catch your attention. Not just because someone's attractive, but because you share common interests or values.

  2. On high-competition profiles: Some profiles attract a lot of attention. If you stumble upon one, sending a rose will make you stand out from the sea of likes.

  3. To express serious interest: A rose on Hinge is an unmistakable sign of serious interest. It shows you're willing to use your limited resources, demonstrating that the person isn't just another profile for you.

  4. When you're running out of time: A last-minute rose can be a game-changer. If you're about to hit your 'like' limit for the day or your rose is about to expire, don't let it go to waste. Use it to make a strong impression.

How to get more roses on Hinge

As a free user, you get one rose per week. But if you want to have more roses at your disposal, there are a few options.

  • Go premium: By becoming a Hinge Preferred Member, you get more roses. This membership also comes with additional benefits like unlimited likes and advanced preferences.

  • Make a one-time purchase: You can buy roses directly from the app. It's a quick and easy way to increase your chances of standing out.

Hinge roses vs. likes: A comparison

Roses Likes
Limited in number Unlimited for premium users
Indicates strong interest Indicates interest
Can be purchased separately Included in premium membership

While 'likes' are the standard way of expressing interest on Hinge, roses bring a different level of engagement. They help you stand out and convey a stronger sense of interest. Use them wisely to make a real difference in your Hinge experience.

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